Being of Metis Decent I know of Atrocities on Both Sides but my people lost there culture not there lives 3000 natives lived at one time with 300 mostly French fur trading dynastic families some of the Algonquin survived not in spite of these families for the genocide the Iroquois would have suffered against the Algonquin surly would have continued without the intervention of the Champlain descending missionary (Jesuit set up first) families that were to travel to the great lakes region, whites, Tribes, and the Metis all took slaves some of the tribes became Chiefs or Sachems Like Godfrey. some Halfbloods even women became great interpreters like Madame Monture some were really country wifes that traveled and had children by the traders witch side do I choose the one that looks more like me the one that has more "White blood", I am proud of my Interpreter families but they are not perfect I am proud that they were friends and live and married with Pontiacs people, did they sell out or did they sign treaties to save them from getting further slaughtered. Did they play both sides of the coin, It appeared they did, but when captured by Clarks soldiers SansCrainte dressed and slits in his ears like all the other Indians one by one to be tomahawked at the fort gate with Pontiacs son was saved Sancrainte by his father who was Interpreter for Clark, was it because the sons Mother was raised by an indian or was it because the son lived amongst them and when the father or son was paid to assist in the removal of some to the west did they do it as family and friend or to some other end. and when they returned they gave up their land to live across the river with people like Simon Girty the only white man around when the five nations convenient on the Maumee side was that because he lived and fought with them and took an Indian bride or was it because with dark hair and black eyes he was the most hated man alive, was he white or Indian in disguise you tell me his face is carved on girty Mountain on at the time was Indian land of pennsilvania Pride witch side do I choose while I'm sill alive. Strong Men will survive.
Kevin Lajiness, Linwood, Nj, Songwriter,storyteller, Naive Artist,promote and clean up Open Space, Songs of life, Nature, Philosophy, Love, Lyrics Photos, videos, and wood sculptures in my naive style.
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