There are 23 chromosomes. this chart shows you the segments on Chrom. 5 that match David to Alissa, David Foxworth, you and me as you can see Allisa shares the whole segment with her father, you share more than 50% with you brother and Alissa, I share 28,876 cM's with Alisa and your brother, and Dennis Foxworth shares 16.64 with me, Allisa and David but you do not share that part of the chromosome . with me or Dennis. For Triangulation to work at least three distant cousins (more than third cousins) have to share at least 7 cM's. So there are two situations that work, Me Dennis and David, or Me Dennis and Alisa. in both situations we share a total of 16.64 cM's but Allisa does not have a profile at WikiTree so we cant use her so we take the example formula on the page at WinkiTree that explains Autosomal DNA Matches and we go to using Triangulation to confirm"Triangulation" we plug these numbers from this chart that we got at with the matches we got there. we take that formula shown here for ME DAVID AND DENNIS FOXWORTH- listed here
- "Paternal relationship is confirmed To Raoul-31 by a triangulated group consisting of Dennis W. Foxworth GEDmatch A977934, Kevin Charles Lajiness GEDmatch M658673 and David H. RathbunGEDmatch M477872 sharing a >20cM segment on Chromosome 5 from 133931713 - 149442105, Overlap with the previous match"
Raoul-31 is the point person (Think that is John Baptist Raoul), that means he is the ancestor that we all have in common.(Chart Below)
We take this formula and we plug it in the child of the person we are confirming the DNA too. throughout the chain in the source section of the profile for example if the point person was our 5 great grandmother and it was your mother's mother's father's mother's father's mother's mother you would start with her daughter you would change paternal relationship to maternal relationship is confirmed and since the trail goes threw he son and then his daughter you would change pack to paternal relationship is confirmed in the formula language and so on and so forth not only for your trail but all tree trails of you and your othertwo people, ok thats a mouthful for what is realy easy.
Now if you go to the edit tab on the profile to mark the DNA as confirmed, two things the genealogy has to be marked as confident, I will add at least three sources then I will mark it confirmed with DNA, if you cant then more genealogy needs to be confirmed.
Now going back to the chart you and your brother and your niece share well over 7 cM's og segment on this and many other chromosomes from what I've seen so since you are less than the third cousin away you can confirm your Autosomal DNA simply using a different formula
Now If you please Ron I've taken a lot of time to exsplain this to you , so if you want you can plug in the formula for David's mother Betty and her mother Viola since I cannot, again for David edit in the source plug in the Triangulation formula above and mark Betty as confirmed with DNA the go-to Bettys edit plug in the triangulation formula in the source section of poth make sure you chang Paternal to Maternal then if you want you can fill in the above autosomal formula with your niece and one for your brother, you niece she is confirming to her father so it is paternal and then one for you and you brother in his and your profile as confirmed Maternally and then if you want but it is redundat you can purt one in your neice and one in your brothers to confirm your neice as a DNA confirmed Match to you, good enough, oh your neice doesnt have a profile by the way the profiles should be atleast private with public tree, again happy hunting
Kevin C Lajiness
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